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Tuesday 19 January 2010

Possible Party At Mine

Most of you probably already knew about the hole in the mine wall. So, read this:

Hello Penguins,

Things keep getting more and more interesting down in the Mine. A big thanks to everyone who's been helping clear the rockslide - you're doing awesome!

I'm excited to tell you that your hard work is about to pay off - the team has a HUGE event planned for this weekend when the rocks are cleared away. Check it out starting Friday!

I was able to get this sneak peek for you guys:

Unknown Machine.jpg

What do you think it is? And what do you think we'll find under the rockslide? Let us know your ideas in the comments!

Until then... Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

I think that this will be this month's Party. What about you? I'm really excited.

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